It’s So Good To Be Back!

Wow, it’s been such a long time. It feels good to get Unscripted Life back up and running. I’ve been paying for this URL for years with the intention of returning to blogging. The plan was to relaunch the blog when I had more free time. I quickly learned free time isn’t something that just shows up. It’s something you have to intentionally create.  

A lot has changed in the last six years. My son is a teenager now (he had just been born when I first launched this blog). Our family built our dream house in a neighborhood so magical that I have to pinch myself regularly to make sure all of this is real. My neighbors are the ones Mr. Rogers sang about (I’m sure you’ll be hearing a lot about them soon). And professionally, I’m working with inspirational content creators to put a lot of good and kindness into the world.  

My years away from the blog have been quite a ride. I look forward to telling you all about it, sharing the lessons I’m continuing to learn, and sharing new adventures with you. I considered republishing some of the content from the old blog, but I’ve personally grown so much that I feel like starting from scratch feels more authentic. Thank you for coming along for the ride and for your patience while I build this blog into something amazing.

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