“In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?” – Jack Kornfield, Buddha’s Little Instruction Book
There aren’t words to describe the pain you feel when you have to say goodbye to someone you love, especially when that someone is your devoted furry companion. Two days after writing my last blog post, my husband, son and I held our best friend, Rocket, as he closed his eyes and found his wings.
The world stopped spinning as he stretched his neck out and laid his head in my arms. It was what he always did when he sensed I was sad. It always seemed like it was his way of saying, “I’ll always be here for you.”
I tried to hold back my tears and be strong for him. My husband and son were attempting to the do the same. In that moment though, we knew Rocket could sense our hearts breaking. We weren’t ready to face the world without him, and it was impossible to hide that sorrow from our infinitely wise companion. He used the last of his strength to remind us that he would always be by our sides.
In these last two weeks, we’ve felt his presence. He’s reminded us in small ways that the bond we shared is rooted at the soul level.
We really weren’t ready to say goodbye, but the truth is forever wouldn’t have been long enough to have him by our sides. While we still long to see his smile waiting at the bottom of the stairs, feel his kisses on our cheeks, and embrace his warm, soft body, we’re holding onto his final promise.
“I always be here for you.”
Thank you, Rocket. You’re still the goodest dog of them all.
Ivy is a writer, singer, and all around optimist living in a magical village at the top of Appalachian Mountains. She's blessed with the coolest kid, pets, and spiritual guardians in the universe and is navigating this adventure with a geeky guitar shredding pilot who shares her desire to live life to the fullest.
Losing a beloved pet is one of the hardest losses one faces. They seem to touch emotions that you don’t realize you have. Having a pet such as Rocket is one of the greatest blessings you can receive. He provided never ending love, companionship. He was always happy to see you come home. Treasure those memories you will meet again one day. ❤
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. You’re so right. Pets help us see the best of life and help us connect with the deep parts of our hearts that we too easily lock away as life takes it toll on us. He’s a soul I’ll treasure forever. I’m so blessed that he picked me as one of his humans.